This piece is called “Journey with the radios” because I something that reflects my life as a designer and my love for music, especially the lyrics.
- 2018
- Photo Manipulation
- Adobe Illustrator
- Adobe Photoshop
02. Approach
I took a literal approach to this. I imagined myself going on the journey, listening to different music. Along the way, I have encountered different radios from different eras to show the evolution of music together with the technologies.
Furthermore, I was inspired by Magdiel Lopez’s works of mixing vectors and photography. With this concept and influence in mind, I found relevant stock images to create this piece.
03. Challenges
There were hardly any challenges as I created this piece to look as what I imagined.
04. Final Thoughts
I was worried that the colours may not go well together, especially when I was mixing gradients and photography, but in the end, it came out alright.